The transport system ensures the functioning of the country and its local, interregional, international and cross-border connections. However, the inconsistency of the infrastructure, the level of transport organization in many parameters, in particular the technical condition of transport, with global and European quality standards for the provision of transport services, requires measures. Increase the level of competitiveness of enterprises, the industry and the country as a whole, taking into account the available reserves. The activity of the transport industry in Ukraine, the functioning of which significantly affects the competitiveness of the country, requires additional research, the development of scientific and applied tools for assessing the level of competitiveness of enterprises in this sphere and the justification of mechanisms for its increase. The main principle of logistics is the delivery of goods as quickly as possible with minimal monetary costs. Timely delivery is the main principle of transport logistics. The cargo cannot be delivered sooner or later, because production cycles may depend on it, the violation of which leads to an increase in financial losses and the final price of the product. The article considers the aspects of formation and development, increasing the competitiveness of the transport enterprise. A model for analyzing the competitiveness of enterprises on the market of transport services has been developed. Based on this model, it is possible to analyze the level of competitiveness of a transport enterprise, to determine the strengths and weaknesses of its development. Methods of determining the level of competitiveness of a transport enterprise are described. Rolling stock, production and technical base, price and quality of services, and the possibility of penetration of new competitors are considered the main indicators that shape the competitiveness of a transport enterprise. The selected factors of ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise must be analyzed using the indicators that determine them. Conclusions have been made regarding increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise on the market of transport services.
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