Keywords: marketing, marketing strategy, theoretical basis, essence of the concept, choice, algorithm


In a market economy, it is especially important to develop strategic plans for activities in general and marketing activities in particular. The marketing strategy of an enterprise helps to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise, maintain its position in the market, and further develop and increase profitability. Despite this, the question of choosing among the many existing marketing strategies that would be the most successful and ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise in difficult conditions always remains relevant. Based on the relevance of the issue and the range of identified problems, the purpose of this article was to clarify the essence of the concept of «marketing strategy» and clarify the algorithm for choosing a marketing strategy by an enterprise, which will help strengthen its competitive position in the market. During the study, general theoretical research methods of induction and deduction, comparison and systematization, abstraction, and specification were used to clarify the essence of key terms; analysis and synthesis - to characterize the process of choosing a marketing strategy, tabular - to visually display the research results; abstract-logical – for carrying out theoretical generalizations and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of an analysis of the views of domestic and foreign scientists on the essence of the concept of «marketing strategy», having weighed all the positive and debatable aspects of these definitions, our interpretation of it is proposed. It has been established that the main goal of implementing a marketing strategy is to achieve a competitive position in the market and achieve the strategic goal of the activity through the efficient use of resources. The subject of the marketing strategy and its incoming and outgoing elements are characterized. The process of formation and implementation of a marketing strategy, including the stage of choosing a marketing strategy, is described. An algorithm for choosing a marketing strategy that will be optimal for a certain market situation is described. Factors that have a significant impact on the choice of marketing strategy are identified. It is advisable to choose the establishment of a system of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a marketing strategy as a promising direction of scientific research.


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