Keywords: marketing assets, performance, industrial enterprise, intellectual resources, indicators, management, brand


The article examines the economic essence of marketing assets, which are unique, intellectual resources for every industrial enterprise and are capable of bringing economic benefits in the future. During the period of economic transformations, marketing assets are identified as resources, the state and changes of which are determined during the performance of the main tasks of the investment activity of the management system of an industrial enterprise. The economic category "marketing assets" was clarified, and based on the analysis of scientific publications, the main components of marketing assets for industrial enterprises were determined (intellectual property rights, brand, trademark, business reputation, relations with stakeholders, customer relationship management systems (CRM Systems), databases (in terms of customers, suppliers, competitors, markets), competencies, social responsibility). Performance management of enterprises requires maximum use of all opportunities of marketing assets (management of relations with customers and stakeholders, improvement of internal and external information and communication channels, obtaining competitive advantages, etc.) to obtain economic benefits in the future. It is possible to evaluate the effectiveness, taking into account the state and changes of marketing assets, when using qualitatively formed information support, the sources of which are the internal and external environment. It is substantiated that it is possible to increase the effectiveness of the company's activity under the conditions of synergy of various types of marketing assets, which are interconnected and increase the effectiveness of marketing activities. To evaluate the performance of industrial enterprises, a set of qualitative and quantitative indicators is proposed for use, the criteria of which are the types of marketing assets, their presence and changes. It is proposed to add to the existing performance indicators of the industrial enterprise in the context of branding. The necessity of using "satisfaction indicators" has been proved for the performance analysis under the influence of marketing assets. In order to improve the quality of the organization of analytical procedures in terms of performance evaluation, a model of performance management of industrial enterprise activities in the context of the activation of the role of marketing assets is proposed.


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How to Cite
Chmil, H., Olinichenko, K., & Bubenets, I. (2023). MARKETING ASSETS IN THE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (53).