The article examines: the current realities of methodology, methods and organization of accounting for taxes and fees, the formation of tax reporting information, making it difficult for taxpayers to keep records and encourage constant use of paid private business services in the form of webinars, seminars, conferences, periodicals taxpayers do not always find all the answers to their questions), various professional consultations: foreign and national audit firms, lawyers, tax specialists and forensic experts. The study: the organization of financial and tax accounting of taxes and fees from taxpayers; basics of formation of indicators of tax reporting, tax registers, tax primary documents; Tax Code of Ukraine in terms of interpretation of the term "tax accounting" and methodological justification, methods and organization of accounting of taxes and fees, showed that tax accounting is a subsystem of accounting, because all indicators of tax reporting are formed on the basis of its data. A study of the structure of the results of the Department of Methodology of the State Tax Service of Ukraine with regulations (orders) for the period from 30.05.1997-09.04.2021 showed that changes in tax legislation, reporting, registers are made constantly during the year, which negatively affects the formation of the draft Law on the State Budget of Ukraine for the next year, which must be submitted no later than September 15 to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The practical value of the obtained results and proposals is that in Ukraine the attitude to the researched issues will change, at the state level there will be: detailed instructions for taxpayers developed; agreed terms of changes and introduction of tax legislative – regulatory acts; assistance was provided to taxpayers' accountants. The considered foreign experience has shown that the international professional accounting organizations are engaged and are responsible for accounting methodology. As a result, a proposal was made to involve national professional organizations of accountants in the studied modern realities of methodology, methods and organization of accounting of taxes and fees in Ukraine.
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