Keywords: insurance company, insurance market, financial security of the insurer, internal and external threats to the financial security of the insurer, indicators of financial security of the insurance market


The article is aimed at studying the current state of financial security of Ukrainian insurers, assessing the dynamics of indicators of financial security of the Ukrainian insurance sector, identifying the main internal and external threats that negatively affect the financial security of insurance companies, as well as possible ways to minimise or avoid them in order to ensure long-term and sustainable potential development. The relevance of the research topic is caused by the need to highlight the current state of financial security of Ukrainian insurers and to identify the main types of threats that affect it in the current realities. The main methods used in the study are the following: systematic approach (in analysing the current state of development of the Ukrainian insurance sector and its financial security), dialectical method of cognition and grouping (in determining the main types of internal and external threats to the financial security of insurers, as well as ways to overcome them), statistical method (in calculating indicators of the financial security of the insurance market), abstract and logical method (in making theoretical generalisations, drawing conclusions from the study). The paper presents the results of an empirical analysis of the financial security of Ukrainian insurance companies. In the current environment, Ukrainian insurers are facing both unforeseen and familiar threats. The values of financial security indicators of the insurance sector are mostly unsatisfactory or even critical. The main types of threats to the financial security of insurers are political, social, legal, functional, technological and economic. To improve financial security, insurers should constantly analyse existing and predict potential threats to their operations; balance insurance portfolios; optimise tariff, investment and reinsurance policies; use the most effective modern forms, methods and techniques of financial security management, etc. The practical value of the research lies in the identification of the main types of modern threats to Ukrainian insurers, as well as potential ways to overcome them.


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