Keywords: investment attractiveness, investor, influencing factors, foreign investments, assessment of investment attractiveness


The article carried out a comprehensive analysis of investment attractiveness, covering its economic essence, theoretical foundations and practical aspects. The study revealed key factors that have a decisive influence on the level of investment attractiveness. This analysis provided an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the processes taking place in modern investment markets and to identify ways of increasing attractiveness for potential investors. The purpose of the article is the study of theoretical aspects that determine the attractiveness of the investment environment, as well as the analysis of key factors that affect this attractiveness. Investment attractiveness, especially in modern conditions, is an important and strategic factor for stimulating the development of economic systems and attracting capital. This concept covers not only specific material indicators, but also requires a comprehensive analysis of theoretical aspects that determine the degree of attractiveness of the investment environment. It takes into account economic stability, the level of infrastructure development, political reliability, the potential of human capital and other key factors that affect the possibilities and prospects of successful investment projects. In this study, an in-depth analysis of factors that have an important impact on investment attractiveness has been performed. The analysis covered a wide range of aspects that can determine the attractiveness of a specific investment object. Economic, social, political and other factors affecting the success and profitability of the investment project are taken into account. The study included an analysis of the stability of the economic and political environment, the level of infrastructure, the availability of skilled labor, market competitiveness and other important aspects. Such a comprehensive approach made it possible to gain a deeper understanding of the essence of investment attractiveness and to determine the factors that can determine its level in specific conditions. The results of this analysis can serve as important indicators for making informed investment decisions and contribute to effective strategic activity in the modern conditions of investment markets.


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