Keywords: staff, employees, enterprise, qualifications, tools, recruitment


The effective functioning of organizations, which directly affects the well-being of the population and the state as a whole, is impossible without a proper system of search and selection of personnel. An effective system of hiring employees of the organization contributes to the full use of human resources, increasing professionalism, qualifications of the employee and the level of competitiveness in the labor market, acts as a means of preventing mass unemployment. The recruitment and selection process is referred to as the recruitment process in a general context. The significance and importance of recruiting to an organization cannot be overstated. The principles according to which the selection and selection of personnel should take place: planning, alternative, active recruitment. The article defines the essence and significance of the system of search and selection of personnel in the organization. Where, according to the basic definitions of the concept, we can draw close relationships between the recruiting process and other functions in the organization – from determining personnel needs to staff training and managing the career of employees. Modern methods of search and selection of personnel are characterized. The concepts of recruitment and selection of personnel are used inextricably from each other, since these processes are not able to exist independently. The features of recruiting systems of modern organizations are defined. The effectiveness of the company's personnel search and selection system has been evaluated. It is worth noting that the job profile should be flexible, as it is not always realistic to find the "perfect" candidate for the vacancy. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of selection and search of personnel for the organization, since it is the personnel, their professionalism, qualifications, creativity, experience and motivation that provide the necessary increase in productivity, quality of services or products. Qualified and properly selected personnel is the key to achieving business goals and dynamic development of the organization. In accordance with this, recommendations for improving the selection and selection of personnel have been developed.


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How to Cite
Gnylianska, L., Demchuk, A., & Yurchyk, A. (2023). FEATURES OF USE IN ENTERPRISES TOOLKIT RECRUITMENGU IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (54). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-54-17

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