Keywords: taxation, public sector, digitalization, non-profit institutions, tax system, innovation


The article examines the peculiarities of functioning of the public sector of economy in the context of Society 5.0. The formation of Society 5.0 is characterized by global comprehensive unprecedented transformations. The publication proves the efficiency of enterprises based on the state form of ownership. According to the international Global 500 ranking, over the past six years, at least three of the top 10 companies in the world have been state-owned and consistently three have been Chinese state-owned corporations. The stable success of Chinese state-owned corporations is explained by the constant technical modernization of production and the wide integration of research institutions and higher education institutions with the largest industrial enterprises The author emphasizes that public sector enterprises have a greater focus on solving social and environmental problems and play a special role in the process of innovation. It is noted that the motivational mechanism for the development of innovation activity as an element of the taxation system of the public sector of the economy needs to be improved. The features of non-commercial utilities as taxable entities are considered. It is proved that it is necessary to implement real large-scale reforms and legislative changes that would stimulate innovation, exempt from taxation the funds of state-owned enterprises allocated for scientific and technical development, and generally create a national innovation infrastructure. In the process of digitalization of taxation of state-owned enterprises, although two parties (the taxpayer and the tax authority) are involved, the introduction of innovative digital solutions is carried out by directing financial investments within the public sector, which simplifies the implementation of this procedure. Prospects for further research are to identify and systematize the actualities of tax policy in the context of transformation, modernization, digitalization and sustainable development of the national economy in the context of de-shadowing the economy.


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How to Cite
Kononenko, L., & Nazarova, H. (2023). TAXATION OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR OF THE ECONOMY IN THE CONTEXT OF THE FORMATION OF SOCIETY 5.0. Economy and Society, (54).