In this paper I have developed a statistical model for labor migration from Ukraine to the European Union countries using data from State Statistics Office of Ukraine, Eurostat and the World Bank for the period from 2008 to 2021. The model is based on the individual utility maximizing principle, as it was proposed by T. Hatton, from working and earning a higher income abroad rather than in Ukraine. To estimate the model parameters, I applied logistics regression with fixed effects on panel data from 9 European countries which jointly issue about 98% of all work permits to Ukrainian labor migrants in the EU: Poland, Czechia, Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania, Italy, Germany, Spain, and Portugal. The final model has 8 coefficients for dummy variables for each country except Poland, and three independent explanatory variables: the ratio of GDP per capita in destination country to GDP per capita in Ukraine in constant 2015 US dollars, the employment rate in destination country which is calculated as 1 minus unemployment rate, and the number of Ukrainian labor migrants in the destination country for which as a proxy I used the number of work permits for Ukrainians which were valid at the end of previous year. The employment rate for Ukraine was found to have no statistical significance and it had been excluded from the final model. The model coefficients confirm theoretical assumptions that the flow of labor migrants from Ukraine will increase if GDP per capita declines in Ukraine, if employment rate in destination country increases, and if the number of Ukrainian labor migrants in the destination country increases. I specifically analyzed the sensitivity of migrant flow to changes in Ukrainian GDP per capita. It was shown that this relationship is non-linear and even 50% increase in Ukrainian per capita GDP will not stop labor migration completely, although it will reduce it by about 70%. This is due to the significant income gap between Ukraine and the EU countries. The model can be applied for labor migration forecasting and further forecasting of migrant remittances which in 2021 amounted to 14 bn US dollars and have had a considerable effect on Ukraine balance of payments and exchange rate.
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