The article is devoted to the topical issues of forming a roadmap for further relations between the UK and the European Union after Brexit in the new realities of today. The author identifies positive and negative changes in the further development of the UK and the European Union within three years after the implementation of the Brexit procedure. The basic influences on the mutual coexistence of the leaders of the European continent – geopolitical, economic, and trade – are outlined. The key aspects that may affect the future relations between the EU and the UK are predicted. The macroeconomic dynamics of the leading European countries is analyzed. The vectors and emphases that will determine the future direction of the post-Brexit movement for the UK and the EU are proposed. The question of the causes and consequences of the UK's withdrawal from the European Union arose not only after this legally significant action, but also long before. Historically, the United Kingdom has always differed from other EU member states in its unique expression of opinion and political position on many issues, and therefore it has been treated as a special subject. In today's environment, this issue is of particular relevance, as it is necessary to analyze the preconditions and consequences of such an exit in order to form a proper understanding of the current situation and possible changes that can be expected on a daily basis. Brexit has raised questions about the future role and influence of the EU as a global actor. The UK's exit from the EU places more responsibility on the remaining EU members to fill the vacuum and strengthen unity in this difficult period. Brexit may affect future trends and directions of European integration. It has sent a signal to other European countries that may be dissatisfied with their EU membership or have their own sovereignty concerns. Brexit may stimulate a rethinking of the EU's role and structure. All in all, Brexit has far-reaching implications for both the UK and the EU, covering the economy, politics, trade, international relations, and the internal social landscape. The future relationship and further implications of Brexit will depend on the decisions made by the governments and leaders of the countries, as well as their future interaction.
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