Keywords: functional drinks, biologically active substances, local raw ingredients


The article is devoted to the topical issues of using local, traditional plant raw materials as a complex of biologically active substances in the technology of functional drinks. An important direction in the development of restaurant establishments is to increase the efficiency of their activities through the implementation of modern scientific achievements and innovative technologies using both local and special functional and medical-technical raw materials with specified properties. The production of functional drinks is considered one of the most effective means of improving the nutritional status of a person. Functional drinks are recognized as the most promising food system for enriching the human body. The purpose of the article: substantiation and development of the production technology of a functional drink enriched with biologically active substances due to the introduction of local plant raw materials. The article examines modern aspects of healthy nutrition, in particular, the development and introduction of drinks for the service of healthy nutrition. An analysis of the most popular local products of the region was carried out and the features of their use were determined. Author's recipes have been developed using: celery, bee honey and ginger root, which provide high taste properties and a stable consistency at certain viscosity parameters. The new functional product developed by us provides high taste properties and a stable consistency over time with certain viscosity parameters, is characterized by a high content of biologically active substances that can cleanse the human body of salts, improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs, activate the immune system protection and metabolism in the body, and which have disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties. Physico-chemical indicators of the finished drink meet the requirements of standards and regulatory documentation. The results of the conducted research allow us to draw a conclusion about the possibility and expediency of using local, functional ingredients in the technology of functional drinks in the restaurant business.


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