Keywords: information support, calculation and payment of taxes and fees, expert research, tax audits, information and analytical support, information and telecommunication systems, information and reference databases, information support for calculation and payment of taxes in the national security system


The article examines the peculiarities of information support as a component of the process of calculation and payment of taxes and fees to budgets of different levels. The purpose of the article is to study the necessity, content, composition, structure and purpose of information support in the course of organising and conducting expert studies and tax audits of the procedure for calculation and payment of taxes and fees to budgets of various levels. The study is based on the use of general scientific methods: systematisation, logical, analytical, induction, deduction, as well as methods of theoretical generalisation, classification and grouping; the results of the study are presented using the graphical method. The article establishes that the Tax Code of Ukraine provides for the definition of information and analytical support as a set of measures coordinated by the central executive body which ensures the formation and implementation of the state financial policy with regard to collection, processing and use of information required for performing the functions assigned to controlling bodies. It is proved that information support, in addition to performing its main functions, is also a component of the national security system, since the data of information resources can be used for criminal purposes, and therefore their protection and authorised access are extremely important, especially in times of war. It is found that the structure of the State Tax Service of Ukraine includes the Department of Information Technology, which ensures the development, implementation and technical support of information and communication systems and technologies, automation of procedures, organisation of implementation of electronic services, etc. It is noted that expert research includes, among other things, the study of accounting, taxation and reporting documents, and therefore the use of data from the information and telecommunication systems of the State Tax Service of Ukraine to obtain evidence in cases involving the calculation and payment of taxes and fees is appropriate and necessary in the course of forensic activities. The list of data sources for the formation of information support for expert studies and tax audits is systematised. The structure of the information resources of the State Tax Service of Ukraine in terms of individual information and telecommunication systems is presented. It is stressed that information support for expert studies and tax audits of the procedure for calculation and payment of taxes and fees is supplemented by publicly available information and reference databases.


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