Keywords: professional ethics, ethical principles of auditing, honesty and objectivity, professional competence and due diligence, confidentiality and professional conduct


The article examines the issues of the auditor's professional ethics as a guarantee of trust in the profession. The approaches of scientists to the interpretation of the term "professional ethics" were studied, it was established that scientists interpret it mainly as a set of norms and rules or a code of rules regarding the performance of professional duties by a specialist. The normative regulation of issues of professional audit ethics is considered. In Ukraine, at present, the auditor's ethical norms are regulated mainly by the International Code of Ethics and the Law of Ukraine "On the Audit of Financial Statements and Auditing Activities". The fundamental principles that auditors must adhere to in the performance of their professional duties are characterized: honesty, objectivity, professional competence and due diligence, confidentiality and professional behavior. The main types of continuous professional training of auditors, which are regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On the Audit of Financial Statements and Auditing Activities", are considered. The list of documents and information that do not constitute a commercial secret is described, which is important to know when observing the principle of confidentiality. The list of threats to compliance with the fundamental principles of professional ethics is considered. A list of measures aimed at creating a positive image of the auditor profession in society is proposed. Namely: cooperation with higher educational institutions for the purpose of popularizing the profession of auditor among young people; adaptation of training processes of future auditors and improvement of qualifications of current auditors in relation to the conditions of the modern digital environment; cooperation with business in order to conduct joint activities regarding the role and necessity of audit to increase the investment attractiveness of enterprises and the development of the domestic economy as a whole; joint holding of round tables, conferences, seminars with other professional organizations of accountants and auditors for the development of the profession; development of measures to improve relations between auditors and clients of auditing services; systematic improvement of the professional level of practicing auditors; monitoring of sources of information about the State Audit Service of Ukraine, the Audit Chamber of Ukraine, the Union of Auditors of Ukraine, in the mass media, the Internet, with the aim of obtaining new knowledge about the professional duties of auditors, changes in regulatory acts, international auditing standards.


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How to Cite
Mulyk, Y. (2023). OBSERVANCE OF THE AUDITOR’S PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AS A GUARANTEE OF CONFIDENCE IN THE PROFESSION. Economy and Society, (52). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-52-27