Keywords: global problems of mankind, tourism, rural green tourism, innovative cluster model, means of accommodation of tourists, synergistic effect


Modern global problems of humanity, demand for natural resources, effective development of rural areas, directions for increasing the competitiveness of domestic rural green tourism, advantages of creating an innovative cluster model for the development of regions are studied. The article states that rural tourism diversifies the local economy, creates demand for local ecological goods and services, opens up additional sources of income for rural areas, changes the situation of rural entrepreneurs and villagers: they become producers and suppliers of quality tourist services, also involves improving the development strategy rural areas and increasing the role of local authorities, which is convincingly evidenced by the European experience. Local authorities consider the development of rural areas as a priority area of their activity in the context of integration with other aspects of rural life. In the conditions of globalization of economic life, the issue of production of competitive products that meet international quality standards and ensure the economic security of the state remains relevant for the country's economy. What are the prospects for agricultural production? Who should dominate: the family farm, which preserves the rural population and its historical traditions, or the industrial agrarian giants? The article discusses ways to increase the competitiveness of domestic rural tourism. The advantages of the innovation cluster model for regional development based on the synergistic effect have been studied. For Ukraine, in general, and Vinnytsia region, in particular it is very important to research and implement innovative strategies to ensure the effective development of the tourism industry. Foreign experience shows that the state supports the development of rural areas, infrastructure, information, and logistics systems. The issue of certification and categorization also deserves special attention. One of the important reasons for studying foreign and domestic experience and creating integrated organizations is the reduction of transaction costs.


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How to Cite
Tabenska, O. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL GREEN TOURISM. Economy and Society, (52).