Keywords: management, crisis, team, adaptability, war


Management is subject to transformation in wartime, as military conflicts create unique challenges and limitations for management processes. The purpose of the study is to examine the process of management transformation in wartime and to identify a set of skills, methods and strategies that are crucial for successful management in these conditions. The research is based on the analysis of literature and experience related to management in wartime. The methods of analysis, comparison and synthesis are used to understand and identify the main aspects of management transformation. The study confirms that wartime management requires a unique set of skills and approaches that differ from conventional crisis management. The tasks that are highlighted include disruption management, restructuring of hierarchical models, business interruption management, and the need to reform organizational structures. The importance of clear mathematical models and the development of mitigation strategies to maintain operational stability is revealed. Key success factors are quick decision-making, adaptation to changing circumstances, and maintaining effective communication with the team. Although there is no one-size-fits-all solution, following the basic principles allows leaders to successfully navigate the war and guide their organizations to resilience and success. Wartime management requires a unique set of skills and approaches that differ from conventional crisis management. The ability to make quick decisions, adapt to changing circumstances and maintain transparent communication channels with the team are critical to success. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, following the fundamental principles allows leaders to navigate the war and steer their organizations toward resilience and success. The study will make a practical contribution to understanding the transformation of management in wartime. The results of the study can be used by managers of organizations to navigate through war, develop strategies and practical approaches to achieve resilience and success.


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How to Cite
Kopchak, Y., Matveyev, M., & Pugachov, V. (2023). TRANSFORMATION OF MODERN MANAGEMENT IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR. Economy and Society, (51).