Keywords: competition, level of competitiveness, employees, personnel, competitiveness management


The article examines the problems and prospects for shaping the competitiveness of industrial enterprises' personnel and the impact of digitalization on it in crisis conditions. The problems of increasing the level of competitiveness of enterprise personnel in the context of strengthening the role of globalization, integration, development of international competition, etc. are studied. The tasks of Ukraine's European integration to intensify its entry into the world economy are set. The author examines the current and ever-increasing requirements for the quality of knowledge, the level of professional skills of employees and managers, their motivation to dedication, and their ability to be responsible for their own performance in accordance with international standards and norms. The dynamics of Ukraine's competitiveness levels in global rankings is analyzed. The structural elements of Ukraine's competitiveness levels are detailed. The classification of factors of enterprise competitiveness, including those that affect the competitiveness of personnel, is developed. The main tasks of human resources management should be the following: establishing the necessary parameters: number, composition of employees of the enterprise, which correspond to the specifics of the activity, will be able to ensure the achievement of strategic goals, implementation of development tasks, etc.; choosing the most effective forms of attracting and retaining (preserving) labor resources; formation of the necessary organizational and economic conditions for combining the interests of all employees with the interests of the enterprise, its owners, stakeholders; The study confirms the hypothesis that personnel is one of the key elements of increasing the competitiveness of domestic enterprises. The basis for further economic recovery and the rise of domestic entrepreneurship should be the preservation and development of its human potential (at the macro-, meso- and microeconomic levels). Recommendations for increasing the level of competitiveness of the personnel of domestic enterprises in the crisis conditions of economic activity are proposed.


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