Keywords: product promotion systems, sales activities, advertising, sales promotion, system of strategies


In today's changing conditions, the organization of sales activities at the enterprise is one of the most important components of the functioning of the business entity. The sale of products is the final stage of production activity of enterprises. A qualitatively organized and implemented process of sales activities in modern business conditions allows to significantly increase the overall efficiency of business activity and significantly strengthen the company's competitive position on the market. Development and substantiation of directions for improving the management of sales activities of the enterprise in modern conditions. General scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge were used to reveal the set goal, including methods of analysis and synthesis, system analysis, analogies, economic and statistical methods. The theoretical and methodological basis are the works of leading domestic and foreign economists, in which the issues of sales management, sales activities of enterprises and assessment of potential in the conditions of a changing external environment are considered. Methods of generalization and abstraction were used; method of analysis and synthesis, system analysis, analogies. In order to substantiate the appropriate way of promoting the product to the market, the work defines a list of factors, including the composition and characteristics of the target audience; product features and benefits; the budget and general marketing goals, as well as the stages of justification of an effective way of promoting products to the market are proposed. In addition, based on the systematization of scientific publications, the work proposes a system of strategies for the enterprise's sales activity, and also expands the list of principles for developing a sales strategy in order to take into account the modern features of sales activity in conditions of uncertainty and a high level of competition. It is substantiated that the basis of the formation of an effective sales strategy is the implementation of a comprehensive strategic analysis and the adaptation of the enterprise to the development trends of the external business environment. In the future, it is promising to study the problems of technology and digitalization; effectiveness of the sales team; sales forecasting; international sales management and the integration of sales and marketing - the presented research perspectives offer opportunities for further study and expansion of knowledge about sales management in today's business environment, providing insights that can benefit both scientific understanding and practical implementation in enterprises.


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How to Cite
Grynko, T., Hviniashvili, T., & Sotula, V. (2023). FEATURES OF SALES MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES OF THE ENTERPRISE IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (51). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-51-8