Keywords: economic analysis, Excel functions, economic calculations, economic informatics, analytical research


The article examines the specifics of using Excel functions in the field of analytical research and economic analysis. Excel has been found to be a powerful tool that provides a wide range of functionality for processing and analyzing data. Various functions of Excel, such as mathematical, statistical and financial, and their application in solving data analysis tasks and economic problems are explored. The main capabilities of Excel functions, their impact on performance and accuracy of analysis are defined. Specific scenarios of using Excel functions to solve real economic problems are considered. The importance and potential of Excel in the context of analytical research and economic analytics is proven, based on which it is proposed to use it as an indispensable tool for economic research. The advantages of using Excel functions in comparison with other analytical modeling and data analysis programs have been determined. The possibilities of automating economic operations and increasing productivity thanks to macros and programming in the VBA language are considered. The necessity of using Excel for processing, analysis and determination of regularities in a large volume of data is proven. The advantages and capabilities of Excel functions, which contribute to accurate analysis and making sound economic decisions, are defined. In conditions of intensive implementation of new information technologies in business processes at various levels, the automation of economic analytics and analytical research plays an important role in decision-making at enterprises and in the management of the economic system as a whole. The speed and accuracy of processing large volumes of data are one of the key factors for successful analysis and making relevant decisions. In this aspect, the use of Excel functions becomes an integral component of the effectiveness of analytical research. At the same time, today there are a number of problems associated with the use of Excel functions in analytical studies that require prompt resolution. Among them is the difficulty of processing large volumes of data – Excel has a limit on the number of rows and columns in a worksheet, which can create problems when analyzing large data sets. This may result in data loss or limited analysis capabilities.


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How to Cite
Talakh, T., & Talakh, V. (2023). USE OF EXCEL FUNCTIONS IN ANALYTICAL RESEARCH AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS. Economy and Society, (50).