The article is devoted to the estimation of sustainable development of territorial communities and regions. Special attention is focused on the analysis of the components of sustainable development, as well as the problems associated with the implementation of tasks to ensure sustainable development. The article systematizes the components, indicators, tasks and sustainable development of territorial communities and regions. An analysis of the sustainable development of the regions of Ukraine was offered. The method of multidimensional ranking, taking into account indicators of stimulators and destimulators is also considered in the paper. Leader regions and outsider regions have been determined, as well as indicators of sustainable development of Ukraine's regions have been visualized. The positions of the regions in the ranking are also substantiated. The substantiation of tools for ensuring the goals of sustainable development for territorial communities is also proposed. The value of the study is the comprehensive consideration of various categories of sustainable development and clarification of the positions of different regions of Ukraine within the framework of the "Sustainable Development of Cities and Communities" goal. The research indicates state statistical observations, which do not allow detailing individual indicators at the level of regions or territorial communities because of lack of data. It is also proposed to use a number of indicators of Goal 11 of Sustainable Development. The authors also emphasize that in addition to defining the integral assessment, it is also important to take into account the сorrelation of the components of sustainable development, their influence on each other. In particular, economic development can influence social and environmental sustainability. Therefore, it is important to take a holistic approach to sustainable development that considers all these components together.
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