In modern business conditions, effective management of personnel policy ensures the market stability of the enterprise, the success of its activities in a competitive environment, and opportunities for strategic development. In this context, it is especially important to manage personnel policy and personnel potential, which is organized in such a way as to ensure significant efficiency at the minimum possible costs. Today, management theorists and managers in practice are interested in the issue of human resource management. It is known that one of the important tasks for the effective development of the company is the selection and creation of qualified and effective personnel. Currently, non-standard situations regularly occur in production activities, which often require an informal approach of employees to solve them. Therefore, the formation of a qualified and responsible team of employees is an important condition of the manager for the stable development of the company. Creation of a purposeful, trained team and its competent management is one of the main success factors of the enterprise. Ideally, HR policy should focus on creating the most comfortable working conditions for staff, a remuneration system that meets their requirements, and a development program, including training and career growth. Therefore, personnel policy as an integral part of the organization should correspond to the concept of its development. Priority needs in solving this type of problems of modern construction companies determined the choice of the research topic, its relevance and practical significance.The following conclusions can be made as a result of the study of the personnel policy of TDV "Zhytlobud-2": personnel policy is defined as one of the most important tools of company management, the effectiveness of which will depend on the effectiveness of the entire enterprise. Personnel policy should be aimed not only at creating favorable working conditions, but also at providing opportunities for employees to advance on the career ladder and their confidence in the future. Thus, it can be said that the developed directions for the development and implementation of the personnel policy of TDV "Zhytlobud-2" will allow to increase the efficiency of the company's activities and consolidate its position as an attractive employer on the market and as a competitive construction company.
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