This article examines approaches to defining and understanding the concepts of "brand" and "brand management". Features of the brand management process are considered. It has been established that an integral part of a brand is its components. These components include: brand content, brand name, brand association, corporate image, brand power, brand identity, brand reputation, brand equity, brand loyalty, brand perception, and brand quality. The article examines the problem of forming effective brand management as a means of marketing activities of enterprises. It has been found that brand management and its main tools can be analyzed using the 4P and 4C marketing mix. The marketing mix is aimed at developing strategies that enable firms to increase the value of their products and increase profits. This article defines the main components of a brand. The relationship between brand management and key concepts of marketing is studied. The author suggests considering brand management as a component of the 4R and 4C marketing complex. The study of the concept of brand is important for understanding how to influence consumers and how to change their perception of a company and its product. It helps to understand how companies can increase their competitiveness in the market, how to improve cooperation with their partners and how to maintain a positive image in the eyes of consumers. In addition, with the development of digital technologies, virtual networks and social media, the study of the concept of brand becomes even more relevant. It is important to understand how the virtual space affects the perception of the brand by consumers, how to effectively use online marketing to promote the brand, and how to maintain positive feedback and reputation on social media. Therefore, the study of the concept of brand is important for understanding how to effectively compete in the market and how to maintain a positive image of the company in the eyes of consumers, which makes it relevant in today's world.
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