Keywords: land resources, agriculture, crop production, animal husbandry, agro-industrial production


The scientific justification of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation and development of land relations was carried out. The work demonstrates the dynamics of the economic efficiency of the use of land resources in the aspect of plant and animal husbandry. The main indicators of the effectiveness of the use of agricultural land resources were studied. The main tasks facing agro-industrial production in the period of economic transformation are outlined, taking into account the domestic specifics of production. The dynamics and structure of production of gross agricultural products in terms of branches of the national economy are highlighted and analyzed. Trends in the formation and development of the country's agro-industrial production land resources are revealed. The main reasons for the reduction of agricultural land have been determined. The dynamics of the consumption of basic food products per person in Ukraine in recent years have been analyzed. A promising direction of further scientific research has been determined - the development of internal economic management of the intensification of the use of land resources in agricultural enterprises, which will be able to ensure the prompt adaptation of agricultural production to new economic conditions in the current difficult financial and economic situation. It has been proven that in order to ensure effective land use and land ownership, in the current conditions of reforming and transformation of land relations, it is necessary to develop financial and economic measures of state regulation that will ensure prompt adaptation of agricultural production to new economic conditions. The article proves that an essential mechanism for the development of land relations is regulation in the system of rational land use and land ownership, which includes a complex of economic and organizational measures. The authors proved that the regulation of land relations and land management is carried out with the help of economic and organizational measures. State regulation of agro-industrial production consists in ensuring: productive use of land; reproduction of land resources; efficiency and competitiveness of production.


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How to Cite
Tomilin, O., Aranchii, D., & Pavlenko, A. (2023). CURRENT STATE AND DYNAMICS OF CHANGES OF LAND RESOURCES IN AGRICULTURE. Economy and Society, (48).