Keywords: potential, financial potential, enterprise, intellectual resources, methodology, evaluation


The article is devoted to the study of the fundamental principles of evaluation the enterprise financial potential. It was determined that modern research on financial potential concerns either the methodological basis of its evaluation without taking into account the digitalization of finances and the intellectualization of the resources of business entities, or the development of methodological support for the evaluation of exclusively intellectual resources. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to further develop the theoretical foundations and methodical support for the evaluation of financial potential in the conditions of digitization of finances and the growth of the share of intellectual resources at enterprises. The evaluation methodology of the financial potential is at the stage of development and is based on the following theories: evaluation logic, qualimetry, and fuzzy logic. The general and specific principles of the concept of evaluating the enterprise financial potential are presented. The provisions of the concept of assessment of financial potential have been formulated. taking into account the intellectual component and digitization of finances. Evaluation of financial potential is a component of the enterprise's financial management system. Financial potential is an open complex economic system, which is characterized by a multi-level structure, multi-component object, multi-faceted formation and results of use. Financial potential has a dual nature, on the one hand, it is the resource base, and on the other hand, it is the result of the functioning process. That is, it needs to be analyzed from two sides - resource and performance. Financial potential, taking into account intellectual resources in its composition, should be considered as a complex dynamic system capable of balanced self-growth in value. Тhe evaluation of the financial potential is two-fold according to the stages of the process of its reproduction and multi-layered. The developed methodological support allows to obtain an assessment of the financial potential in statics and dynamics at the stage of its formation and use in the plane according to individual stakeholders.


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