Keywords: international migration, analysis, methods, migration legislation, regulation, development


Globalization of almost all spheres of social life has become one of the characteristic features of the modern stage of civilization development. The development of globalization processes acquired a special scale in the economic sphere, which resulted in the formation of a single world economy and world market. A special place in the world market system belongs to the global labor market, and, as a result, to international labor migration. The problem of migration in Ukraine is very relevant now. Significant geopolitical transformations have an impact on all aspects of society without exception, including migration processes. The signing of the Association Agreement and the visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU led to a number of important reforms in the field of migration management. At the same time, Russia's military aggression against Ukraine led to large-scale forced displacement of the population, a deep economic crisis, and the intensification of labor migration to European countries. In the European Union, for the first time since 2001, the Directive on the temporary protection of Ukrainians was implemented, which provides for the provision of equal rights to our citizens in terms of residence, work, education, social security and medical care. The modern functioning of domestic economic entities in wartime is extremely difficult. And one of the most important factors for ensuring their viability is a workforce of the appropriate level of qualification with the appropriate set of competencies. And it is the state policy that should be aimed at regulating both the volume and the structure of international migration processes in order to achieve a balance of supply and demand in the national labor market. For this purpose, we propose to consider the trends in the development of the world labor market, as they are the ones that shape the future outline of the state migration policy. In this article, an analysis of the current state was carried out and trends in the development of international labor migration in the world in general and in Ukraine in particular were identified, measures were developed to improve the state regulation of international migration processes in Ukraine, taking into account its status as a candidate for membership of the European Union.


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How to Cite
Bestuzheva, S., Kozub, V., & Gorobynskaya, M. (2023). UKRAINE IN THE PROCESSES OF INTERNATIONAL LABOR MIGRATION: ANALYTICAL STUDY. Economy and Society, (48).