Keywords: identification, fraudulent actions, risk of fraud, audit


The article proposes a methodology for assessing the overall risk of fraud at a company and its potential impact on the company's activities. Risk assessment is a necessary condition for the development of effective strategies to minimize the consequences of fraud and ensure the financial security of the company. Additionally, the article highlights the relationship between the number of additional and modified audit procedures necessary to detect fraudulent activities at the company and the level of fraud risk and the strength and scale of its impact (in the event of its occurrence) on the company's activities. The study systematizes additional and modified audit procedures that should be applied if a significant level of fraud risk is detected at the company, generally or by specific subjects or their groups. These procedures are systematized in terms of management personnel and those with higher powers, other employees of the company, institutional peculiarities of the company and its activities, contractors, etc. Additionally, it has been established that there is a direct correlation between the strength of the potential negative impact of fraudulent activities on the company's activities and the number of additional and modified audit procedures required to detect such activities. Thus, the greater the threat of fraud at the company, the more procedures should be performed to prevent negative consequences. In addition, the article proposes a methodology for assessing the risk of a specific type of fraud occurring in a business, taking into account the threats of fraudulent actions at the levels of management personnel and those with the highest authority, employees of different departments of the enterprise, counterparties, as well as considering the institutional peculiarities of the enterprise and the state of its activities, the macro and global environment. This methodology for assessing the risk of a specific type of fraud in the enterprise is an important tool for improving the effectiveness of auditing. The use of such a methodology also allows businesses to analyze potential fraud threats and take effective measures to prevent them.


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How to Cite
Stetsiuk, O., & Chubai, V. (2023). ASSESSMENT OF THE RISK OF FRAUD IN THE COMPANY. Economy and Society, (49).