Keywords: sales, sales activities, pharmaceutical enterprises, level of product marketability, sales costs, production cost


збутThe purpose of the study is to investigate the issue of evaluating the effectiveness of the marketing activities of pharmaceutical enterprises. The modern market economy necessitates continuous improvement of the sales activities of enterprises in order to be competitive. Effectively organized sales activities are an important tool in ensuring the profitability of an enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of the sales activities of pharmaceutical enterprises. The article analyzes various methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of sales activities. It is determined that the existing approaches to assessing the efficiency of sales activities are of a scattered recommendatory nature and are rather ambiguously covered by economic science, so systematization of the main parameters for assessing the sales activities of enterprises will allow a more accurate approach to assessing the management of sales activities, taking into account its effectiveness. The assessment of the effectiveness of sales activities should be carried out systematically, which will allow to assess how effectively the sales activities are carried out at the enterprise, identify problems and develop measures to eliminate them. Effective management of sales activities requires the use of a wide range of methods and approaches to assessing its effectiveness, which make it possible, by comparing its main parameters, to identify those that require additional attention, changes or use as a benchmark for others. The study proposes to use indicators of the overall performance of an enterprise, such as the level of marketability of products, the share of sales in settlements, the dynamics of sales costs and production costs, and the correspondence of production rates to the rates of product sales. The practical significance of the results of the study lies in the fact that the system of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing activities proposed by the author makes it possible to comprehensively assess the effectiveness of marketing activities, taking into account not only the state of marketing activities.


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How to Cite
Garmatiuk, O. (2023). EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF SALES ACTIVITIES OF PHARMACEUTICAL ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (48). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-48-54