An analysis of the concepts "entrepreneurship", "small business" was carried out. The relevance of the issue of state regulation of economic relations in the agrarian sphere determined the goal and task of the scientific article. It was determined that supporting small entrepreneurship should be a priority direction of the economic policy of any developed state, since male entrepreneurship has a number of advantages that are largely determined by its characteristics. It was established that the basis of the national economy of each country is a set of subjects of various types of economic activity, the result of which is the creation of goods and services and their promotion to consumers. The volume of sold products (goods, services) of economic entities was analyzed. Theoretical approaches to the essence of state regulation of entrepreneurial activity in the agrarian sphere are considered. Peculiarities of these processes in Ukraine are studied, attention is focused on the regulatory and legal framework. It is justified that small entrepreneurship occupies an important place in the agricultural sector of most countries of the world, it is also important for the economy of Ukraine. The state of its development is decisive in ensuring the employment of the rural population, the country's food security, and the preservation of natural resources. Sources of state support for agricultural producers are considered, namely: 1) direct budget support in the form of subsidies and grants, 2) tax benefits, and 3) government intervention in pricing (for example, through export or import restrictions). It has been established that direct state support is the sum of expenses provided for in the State Budget of Ukraine as the budget program "Financial Support of Agricultural Producers". A detailed description of budget programs has been revealed. It was determined that small business is the sector of the economy that is able to quickly create new jobs and provide social guarantees, respond to the balancing of demand and supply in resource markets. Thus, the state regulation of the agrarian sphere of the economy consists in the fact that the state, through the application of legal, administrative and economic levers, regulates the activities of the agricultural producer, determines the prospects for the development of the agrarian sphere of the economy, performs a guiding role in the implementation of long-term development programs.
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