Keywords: employment, flexible forms of employment, remote work, information and communication technologies


The dynamically changing market, the increase in operating costs of enterprises, the COVID-19 pandemic and martial law have revealed clear deficiencies in management skills and, under the influence of unprecedented external circumstances, forced to urgently seek new solutions in the field of labor management in order to expand employment. At the same time, the experience of many countries shows that the use of flexible forms of employment, in particular remote work, and appropriate labor management can significantly contribute to the achievement of this goal. The problems of researching flexible forms of employment as a direction of labor management are in the center of attention of domestic and foreign scientists, remain relevant and require new research in a changing market environment. Researchers pay a lot of attention to the study of the features of remote work, including the problems of organizing relevant business processes and technologies, management and motivation of personnel who work remotely. Moreover, in many studies, the authors in one way or another discussed the possible pros and cons of the remote format, relying on the modest theoretical and empirical material. In this regard, the urgency of the problem, its practical significance and insufficient theoretical and methodological development, but already taking into account a small amount of practical experience, determined the choice of the research topic. The main goal of the research is to outline the main trends of labor management changes, the flexible forms development of employment, the origin and concept of remote work as a response to the challenges of growing competitive pressure and the trend of the modern labor management system. Various forms of flexible employment are analyzed. The world experience of organizing time and forms of work was studied. It was revealed that thanks to the development of ICT (information and communication technologies) and access to the Internet, the work model is changing through the introduction of remote work, which is a trend in modern labor management, the system of distributing tasks and remote accounting of working hours. This work model is especially important in the IT field and creates employment opportunities for specialists regardless of their residence place. However, for the organization to function properly according to the model, a number of technical conditions necessary for the performance of work and communication in the company must be met, as well as formal conditions related, among other things, to the form of employment. Prospects for future research are outlined.


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How to Cite
Zagirniak, D., Druzhynina, V., & Druzhynin, V. (2023). REMOTE WORK AS A TREND OF MODERN LABOR MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (48).

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