Keywords: projects, data management, communities, data, strategy


The study summarizes the practices of using innovations in data for sustainable development policy (based on the Cape Town Global Data Action Plan for Sustainable Development and global initiatives, including Global Pulse, Data for Climate Action, GSMA Big Data for Social Security, etc.). A retrospective analysis of local management organization projects was conducted and it was determined that data management is important for management at the local level, which is related to the trend of performance management. It was determined that the need for data management within the framework of local management is recognized in Ukraine at the level of methodological recommendations of government structures and materials of analytical centers. The best global practices of using data for making budgetary decisions and re-evaluating the provision of services were identified, which helped to improve the activities of authorities and the lives of residents. Modern trends in community management in the context of digital transformation consist in the use of a wide range of data. The study examines the main tools that should be used for data collection, scientific and methodological approaches to building a unified data system for making effective operational and strategic decisions based on data analysis, as well as the advantages of GIS and CRM tools for community territory management. Using open data provides new opportunities for improving lives and economic growth. Their effective application helps the community to develop, build a dialogue and make balanced decisions. The introduction of digital technologies is happening so quickly that we can no longer imagine life without electronic services. Analytical e-solutions available within the scope of considered GIS DATA project include economic analysis and modeling, community budget analysis and modeling, internal audit of budgeting using IT technologies, analysis and forecasting of demographic processes, land and real estate tax management, management of utility revenues real estate, agricultural land monitoring, community analytical portal, community territory investment potential analytical system, municipal card as a means of community development and socially responsible business, assessment of eco-assets (ecosystem services), social infrastructure network management, energy consumption analytical module, monitoring capital expenditures etc.


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How to Cite
Omelyanenko, V., Omelianenko, O., & Kravchenko, Y. (2023). USE OF DATA INNOVATIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES. Economy and Society, (48).