Keywords: customs legislation, customs authorities, European integration, digitalization, reform


At the current stage of Ukraine's development, customs legislation is an integral part of the national economic policy, and reforming the activities of state customs authorities and adapting their activities to the requirements of the European Union is recognized as one of the most important tasks envisaged by the sustainable development strategy. The topicality of the topic is due to the perspective of ensuring the sustainable and highly efficient work of customs authorities in modern conditions, which can be achieved as a result of overcoming existing problems, including: imperfection of customs legislation; deliberate overestimation of the customs value of goods; insufficient transparency and openness; the problem of personnel turnover, corruption and bribery. The purpose of the article is to study the European experience of customs authorities and the relevance of its projection into Ukrainian, as well as the development of a model of customs authority management based on the concept of adaptive case management. It has been established that the key to the effective work of European customs is a transparent system of risks and post-audit using modern technologies; entrepreneurs' trust in customs authorities; a high level of established communication "customs – the subject of the FTA", as well as systematic improvement of the work of customs authorities on the basis of pre-approved strategies. The directions of reforming the activity of customs authorities are characterized, including: improving the analysis of the system of risks and customs post-audit by informing the subjects of the FEZ about current issues with the help of a certain set of communication tools and monitoring various sources of their business activity; ensuring unquestionable respect for every taxpayer; introduction of information technologies aimed at applying the «principle of selectivity», simplification of customs formalities by updating software taking into account European standards and regular involvement of European customs officials in joint holding of round tables and meetings with the aim of exchanging experience in order to strengthen cooperation; ensuring the activities of customs authorities with a legally established customs strategy for the next 3-5 years; assistance in preventing violations of customs regulations. According to the results of the creation of a graph-analytical model of case management and the goals of customs authorities, it was determined that the further improvement of the work of customs authorities is based on a set of solutions that define the concept of the customs service and ensure its effective implementation (using the mechanism of adapted case management, marketing and monitoring tools of customs services ). In the future, the field of customs management will continue its development, optimizing the problem of finding adequate models and methods of creating and modernizing technologies and management systems of customs authorities.


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How to Cite
Ivanova, D., & Tyshchenko, V. (2023). RELEVANCE OF REFORMING THE CUSTOMS AUTHORITIES OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (48).