A large number of countries around the world are developing and implementing bioeconomy strategies to ensure sustainable development transition. The modern concept of the bioeconomy goes beyond the supply of raw materials and biomaterials and includes the replacement of fossil raw materials in various production sectors, such as the chemical and construction sector; more efficient, cascading use of biomass and effective biotransformation of processes in the agricultural, food, pharmaceutical and processing industries, which will ensure a reduction in resource use and the value added processes. The purpose of this article is to research theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of the concept of bio-economic transformation of socio-economic systems and its justification in the context of achieving Sustainable Development Goals. The analysis of research results showed that the transformational processes of socio-economic systems are extremely dependent on management methods and mechanisms. On the basis of the conducted theoretical analysis of the concept of "transformation" with the application of various economic theories author's interpretation of the «bio-economic transformation» definition has been formulated, theoretical overview of the bio-economic transition on the basis of sustainable development has been carried out and four archetypes of bioeconomic transformation directions have been formed, implementation of which can generate positive or negative results in the context of achieving Sustainable Development Goals. The proposed typology of bio-economical pathways can be used to identify key techno-economic mechanisms through which bio-economic transformation processes can be initiated. Development of such mechanisms is an important direction for further research, as it provides opportunities for identifying potential cause-and-effect relationships between driving forces and outcomes of transformation processes, which creates prerequisites for managing sustainable development. Practical implementation of the obtained results will contribute to the development of bioeconomic strategies based on the principles of sustainable development.
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