Keywords: enterprise, lending, investment activity, interest rate, loan potential


The purpose of this study is to develop and apply methodological principles for assessing the impact of lending conditions on the level of investment activity of enterprises. The relevance of the study is determined by the needs of many enterprises to increase the volume of their investment activities. This, in turn, requires an increase in the financial capabilities of economic entities, in particular, thanks to the growth of loan financing of investment projects. To achieve the goal and solve the research tasks, the following general scientific and special methods are used in the work: theoretical generalization – when determining the features of loan financing of investment activities; modeling – when building models and when developing the sequence of the process of assessing the impact of lending conditions on the level of investment activity of enterprises; analysis – when assessing the importance of lending parameters of investment activity; abstraction – when establishing the main factors that influence the size of the loan potential of enterprises, etc. The importance of the use of credit levers for regulating the investment activity of enterprises is justified. A sequence of assessment of the impact of lending conditions on the level of investment activity of enterprises has been developed. An index is proposed for ranking investment projects that a certain enterprise intends to implement, according to the degree of attractiveness of their loan financing. Approbation of the developed methodological principles was carried out on a sample of small enterprises of Ukraine belonging to three types of economic activity. The theoretical and methodological provisions developed in the course of the research on the assessment of the impact of lending conditions on the level of investment activity of enterprises can be implemented in the practice of business entities when they draw up an investment programs. This will make it possible to improve the level of validity of these programs, which, in turn, will contribute to the growth of the financial results of the enterprises and the improvement of their financial condition. Also, the obtained results can be applied to the development of measures regarding the use of levers of financial and credit regulation of the economy.


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