Keywords: stock exchange, securities, statistical methods, research of stock exchange activity, stock indices, graphic method, financial instruments


The current state of the economy of Ukraine urges the effective development of the financial market, the stock market in particular, because it is one of its most important segments. Stock exchange is the foundation of the stock market. The stock exchange is a special intermediary, a center of systematic transactions for the purchase and sale of securities (shares, bonds, investment certificates and derivatives). It should be noted that all operations carried out on the stock exchange are regulated and controlled by the state. In our country, this function is performed by the National Commission for Securities and the Stock Market (NCSCFR). It is engaged in issuing licenses and establishing rules of interaction between participants of the Ukrainian stock market. Stock indexes are indicators that reflect information to characterize the state of the stock market, business activity based on stock prices, and the trend of securities prices. In order to make the display of information fully consistent with reality, stock market indices must be complete, stable and reproducible. The types of stock indices are considered, the purposes of their use and calculation methods are indicated, namely: Dow Jones, S&P 500, PFTS Index, UX Index. Stock market indices are a necessity for making rational investment decisions. They greatly facilitate the process of analyzing the current state of the market, presenting generalized indicators of the dynamics of securities rates. The article carries out an economic and statistical study of stock exchange activity in the world in 2020-2022 and presents the rating of the world's largest stock exchanges in 2022. The author also conducted a study of the stock market of Ukraine for 2017-2021 and showed which financial instruments are used in its stock market. A comparative analysis of data on trading volumes on the securities market and GDP was made. It should be noted that the stock market of Ukraine is relatively young and at the stage of formation, but has great development potential. The stock market of developed countries helps realize national interests, shapes the process of attracting investments from both foreign and domestic investors. Currently, our country has a low level of investment attractiveness due to the political situation, so the available investment options are unreliable and unprofitable. The existing problems of the stock exchange market in Ukraine are revealed.


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How to Cite
Nazarova, O., Chatchenko, T., & Mytrofanova, L. (2023). USE OF STATISTICAL METHODS IN RESEARCH OF STOCK ACTIVITY. Economy and Society, (48).

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