Keywords: digital transformations, marketing, marketing tools, tourism industry, digital marketing, digitalization, development


The purpose of the article is to study the potential of digital marketing and the possibilities of its use for the development of the tourism sector in the conditions of modern challenges. The article is devoted to current issues of the development of the tourism industry based on the use of marketing tools, taking into account the latest digital achievements, which will increase the competitiveness of the industry. Attention is focused on the fact that the tourism industry is one of the promising areas of the national economy, and the use of marketing tools at different levels of management plays a significant role in increasing the effectiveness of the operation of the tourism business. It has been proven that the development of high technologies and digitalization processes have changed approaches to business organization, including in the tourism sector, and existing challenges have stimulated the growth of business activity in the online sphere. The expediency of using marketing tools with the use of interactive space has been established. The structure of tourist flows to Ukraine was studied. It was established that, according to the data of 2021, a revival was observed in the market of tourist services. It has been proven that digital marketing technologies are capable of attracting interest in relevant services, increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of not only this area, but also stimulating the development of related industries. The experience of travel companies from different countries of the world – leaders of the travel industry, who have significant experience in implementing digital marketing tools – is summarized. Emphasis is placed on practices that are of interest to the domestic industry. A complex of organizational solutions at different levels of management, which is necessary for the introduction of digital marketing tools in the tourism industry, has been formed. Namely: active use of startups to generate interesting ideas in the field of digitalization of the tourism industry; promotion of digital products in the industry; international cooperation in the field of digitalization; increasing the level of trust of business entities in digital transformations; paying attention to cyber security, protection of personal data; formation of the digital culture of society; forming a digitalization strategy in the field of tourism, etc.


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