Keywords: mineral resources, exploration and evaluation of mineral resources, asymmetry of information, financial statements, management report, non-financial reporting, sustainability reporting, integrated reporting


The article is devoted to the problems of presenting data on the volume of proven mineral reserves in public information sources. The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the social importance of data on mineral reserves in terms of further development of mankind in economic, social and environmental aspects. The results of the study are based on the provisions of stakeholder theory, classification of information asymmetry and approaches to its neutralization, methodology and standards of accounting and financial reporting, guidelines for preparing a management report, conceptual framework and standards for preparing non-financial reporting, including a report on progress in implementing the principles of the UN Global Compact and sustainability reporting in accordance with the requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative, as well as integrated reporting. Based on the stakeholder theory, the main groups of stakeholders in the exploration and evaluation of mineral resources are identified, as well as the ways and sources of satisfying their information needs in this area. The existence of a multilateral asymmetry of information about mineral resources in society is established. Approaches to neutralize this information asymmetry are considered. The types of public financial statements as a hypothetical instrument for disclosing information on the volume of reserves of explored and estimated minerals are determined. The author analyzes the formats of public accounting reports in terms of possible or mandatory disclosure of information on mineral reserves. It is argued that one of the methods of neutralizing the asymmetry of information is to introduce the disclosure of information on the volume of mineral reserves in one of the mandatory public accounting reports. From a practical point of view, the implementation of the formulated proposals will, on the one hand, standardize and simplify the process of disclosure of information on mineral reserves in the public reporting of exploration and evaluation companies and, on the other hand, meet the information needs of the largest groups of stakeholders, thus strengthening public control over the extraction and consumption of natural resources.


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