• Anna Orel Sumy National Agrarian University
  • Valerii Zhmailov Sumy National Agrarian University
Keywords: communication, behavioral language, communication barriers, skills, communicators, recipient


This article examines the practical aspects, types and search for ways to apply and overcome communication barriers in modern society. The use of communication barriers in communication, which are due to various factors of influence, is considered. Their origin, conditions and causes of origin and direction are studied. And the main thing is the awareness of the importance and observance of normal human relations both in society and in working relations in any activity. From this analysis it is possible to obtain a qualitative result, which is embedded in the understanding and gives the effect of patience to the individual or a partner in communication and communication with each other. The study of this issue of overcoming communication barriers is usually the result of a communication process where not enough attention is paid to the study of psychology to communication. Scientific research has shown that the factors of professional and work adaptation of a person to a new team, as well as the establishment of certain business and individual contacts with people are not sufficiently taken into account. These factors disrupt the process of social communication, and lead to communication barriers, which gives rise to a negative impact on personal development, which leads to conflicts between individuals. This explains the relevance of the study of conditions and factors that facilitate the realization of personality in barrier-free communication, balance and simplify the areas of direct contact with the interlocutor for feedback, preventing the emergence of communication barriers, and help avoid them, if they occur.


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How to Cite
Orel, A., & Zhmailov, V. (2022). PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF COMMUNICATIVE BARRIERS IN MODERN SOCIETY. Economy and Society, (45).