The article is devoted to the topical issues of determining the role of finance in business planning of hotel, restaurant and tourist enterprises. Attention is focused on the fact that business planning is among the components of the successful operation of enterprises of the hotel and tourism industry in modern conditions. The instability of the external environment requires rapid adaptation of business entities, finding ways to develop and expand their activities. In addition, due to growing competition, enterprises are developing measures to maintain market positions and attract new consumers. Undoubtedly, business planning can be considered as a key tool for ensuring the successful development of hotel, restaurant and tourism enterprises. The essence, functions and goals of business planning are disclosed. It is noted that domestic legislation today does not legally establish the obligation for enterprises to develop a business plan. The range of use of the business plan as a tool for attracting external financial resources and for the development of the enterprise from the reorganization of its own potential is outlined. It is noted that the field of activity, the specifics of the enterprise and the specifics of the future project make it possible to develop unique business plans. The special importance of the "Financial Plan" section of the business plan for making the final decision on the acceptability of the entrepreneurial project for its further implementation is revealed. This section of the business plan should provide an answer to the questions regarding the payback period of investments in the project and the justification of the main indicators of its effectiveness, namely: from which sources and in what period of time the necessary financial resources will be attracted; what is the target purpose of all investments in the project; how the company's current cash needs are correlated with the planned cash flow (income and expenses); what will be the financial condition of the enterprise during and at the end of the planning period. As a conclusion, it is stated that for successful operation, any enterprise of the hotel and tourism industry must develop a systematic business plan, which is a minimum guarantee of attracting investments for the creation and effective functioning of the business.
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