Keywords: foreign trade, export, import, foreign economic relations, foreign trade balance


The article examines Ukraine's foreign trade cooperation with EU countries, in particular with highly developed Germany. Ukraine and Germany are at different levels of economic development, but both countries are open to international trade and could benefit from the increased trade relations. The conducted analysis has shown that German business is actively expanding cooperation with Eastern Europe, in particular, Ukraine has become one of the countries in the region with the highest growth rates of export-import operations. Germany continues to be one of the world leaders ingoods trade with our country and ranks sixth among countries in the world in terms of the volume of Ukrainian exports and second - in terms of the volume of imports. In 2021, the export of goods from Ukraine to Germany increased by 38.4%. The commodity structure of the export of Ukrainian goods to Germany mainly consists of products of the agro-industrial complex, electric machines, mining products, furniture and wood. The import of goods from Germany to Ukraine in 2021 also increased and amounted to 17.7%. Regarding the structure of imports, the largest share is made up of machines and vehicles, pharmaceutical products, chemical products and electrical products. In general, in the geographical structure of foreign trade in goods with EU countries in 2021, the share of exports of goods from Germany is 10.7%, and the share of imports is 21.7%, which confirms the close trade ties between Ukraine and Germany. The military invasion of Russia in 2022 had a negative impact on the development of Ukraine's foreign trade relations with other countries. Even at the beginning of the year, in January-February 2022, Ukrainian exports demonstrated positive growth dynamics compared to the same period last year, and its increase was 34%. However, already in March there was a sharp collapse of supplies abroad and the reduction amounted to 50%. As a result of military operations in Ukraine, exports to Germany in 10 months of 2022 fell by 20.1% compared to the previous period. The global financial crisis, the coronavirus pandemic and Russia's war in Ukraine left a noticeable mark on the export-import operations between Germany and Ukraine. Thus, Ukraine should develop foreign trade relations with Germany, as the market of this European country can become a promising niche for many Ukrainian entrepreneurs and exporters.


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How to Cite
Shayda, S. O., Kosovska, V., & Shayda, S. (2022). FEATURES OF FOREIGN TRADE COOPERATION BETWEEN UKRAINE AND GERMANY. Economy and Society, (46). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-46-70