Keywords: regional marketing, territory marketing, marketing of the region, competitiveness, competitiveness of the regional economy, competitive advantages of the regional economy


The article is devoted to highlighting the role of marketing in the formation of a competitive economy at the regional level. The issue of the role and impact of marketing on the level of competitiveness of the region's economy is insufficiently researched and requires a more detailed study. The processes of integration and globalization have become favorable for the development of certain territories and regions, in particular. At the same time, competitive processes at the regional level are intensifying, carrying out a competitive struggle for sales markets, resources, qualified labor, and investments. The level of competitiveness of the region and its economy is a manifestation of the effectiveness of such a struggle. Accordingly, there is a need to develop measures that will make it possible to form a competitive economy at the regional level. Marketing is an important tool for effective competition at the regional level, and the principles of regional marketing and territorial marketing are most widely used. The purpose of the article is to study the essence and significance of territory marketing and regional marketing, as well as to determine their role in shaping the competitiveness of the regional economy. The relationship between territorial and regional marketing, the essence of regional marketing is defined. The goals and principles of regional marketing and its influence on the competitiveness of the regional economy are studied. The application of the principles of marketing makes it possible to form and effectively use the competitive advantages of the region, to increase the attractiveness of the region for tourists, qualified specialists, and investors. In addition, issues of establishing effective interaction between representatives of business, science, the public and authorities are being resolved. Wide use of the principles of marketing makes it possible to increase the economic and social development of the region based on effective interaction between consumers, producers of regional products, investors, authorities and regional management.


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