Keywords: customs regimes, foreign economic activity, export, import, license, Incoterms-2020


The article examines the instruments of state, customs and tax regulation of the application of export and import customs regimes. Attention is focused on the problems of implementing the budget and reducing the volume of foreign economic activity in connection with the martial law. The list of regulatory instruments regarding export and import operations is summarized. Problems and shortcomings related to state regulation of import and export are identified. In particular, attention is focused on the inconsistency of the validity period of the permit for the implementation of import operations and the limit terms of settlements in foreign economic activity, which can complicate the implementation of import operations in the case of payment of an advance to a non-resident. It was established that there is no differentiated approach of the state regarding the cost of permits and licenses for the implementation of foreign economic operations, which does not protect national producers from imported goods. The state of the regulatory policy of the state regarding the issuance of licenses for export and import operations has been analyzed. The conditions for placing goods in the customs regimes of export and import are summarized. The tax consequences of the application of export and import customs regimes are characterized. It was determined that the main problem of the export customs regime is the lateness of VAT refunds to exporters, which does not allow them to fully compete with foreign companies. Also, an important problem remains the lack of implementation of the norms of tax legislation regarding the payment of fines by the state to persons who were not reimbursed VAT in a timely manner. Attention is focused on the inconsistency of the definition of tax consequences in tax accounting and the conditions of supply of goods of Incoterms-2020, which under certain conditions can increase the tax burden when applying customs regimes of export and import. The recommendations for improving the state, customs and tax regulation of the application of customs regimes of export and import are substantiated.


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How to Cite
Naidenko, O., & Hunko, K. (2022). EXPORT AND IMPORT CUSTOMS REGIMES: REGULATORY ASPECT AND TAX CONSEQUENCES. Economy and Society, (46). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-46-38