The essence is revealed, the need is substantiated, and the importance of socio-political and organizational principles of the functioning of public administration bodies in the field of social security is clarified. It has been established that within the framework of socio-political principles of public administration, it is customary to single out the following: a) democracy, which involves the so-called «popularity» or the participation of the population in important processes of administrative activity; b) equality, which guarantees the same social rights of Ukrainians and all other national minorities; c) equality, which means equal action and equal responsibility of all members of society before the law; d) transparency, which ensures transparency of all plans, as well as actions and measures in the field of social security; e) objectivity, which ensures clear observance of generally recognized laws of social development and consideration of the material, intellectual and technical capabilities of the state in the implementation of planned social policy measures. It was established that within the framework of the organizational principles of social security management, it is customary to distinguish the following: a) branch principle, the implementation of which is based on the structural construction of objects of the social security sphere that are homogeneous in terms of their functioning; b) the territorial principle, which is implemented under the conditions of implementation by state bodies of complex management of institutions of the social sphere within clearly defined territorial boundaries; c) the functional principle, which is implemented through the regulatory and legal consolidation of functions and their compatibility with the relevant public administration bodies. It was found that information technology support strengthens the interaction of socio-political and organizational principles of organizing social work at the national, regional and local levels. The close interaction of socio-political and organizational principles of the functioning of public administration bodies in the field of social security determines the degree of effectiveness of local, regional and national social policy.
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