Keywords: poultry products, production, regions of Ukraine, shares of production, rates of change, factors of external influence


The article is examines the state and trends of production of poultry products in the regions of Ukraine. The importance of the poultry industry for the development of the agricultural sector of the country’s economy and ensuring food security has been clarified. In 2021, a total of 81.4% a crop production and 18.6% a livestock production were produced in Ukraine. The article is analyses the dynamics of the production of both livestock products in general and, in particular, poultry products in the regions of Ukraine. Poultry meat production trends and production shares in the total volume by region were determined and compared: comparing production volumes in 2021 with 2015, the share decreased by almost 13%. The largest production of livestock products by enterprises of Ukraine is concentrated in the Western and Central regions. In the Western region, the leader is the Volyn region, and in the Central region, the Dnipropetrovsk region. As for the trends in the production of poultry meat, they differ somewhat from the situation in the production of meat of all types by region: there is an increase in production volumes in the Western, Eastern, Central and Northern regions (by 40.51%, 41.91%, 17.62% and 4.35%, respectively), but a significant reduction in production in the Southern region (by 95.24%). The main leaders in the production of poultry products and their geographical distribution by regions of Ukraine are characterized: significant volumes of production of poultry products produced by Ukrainian enterprises are concentrated in the Central (Vinnytsya, Kyiv and Cherkasy regions) and Eastern regions (Dnipropetrovsk region). The gradation of external factors of influence on enterprises producing poultry products was clarified and carried out: on factors that can be partially or fully controlled by the state, in particular: investment and credit policy, gradual increase in prices for fuel, electricity and other utility tariffs, changes in the system taxation, the level of income of the population, which is related to the level of employment and unemployment in the state, the volume of imports of agricultural products, the instability of the political, financial and monetary and economic situation in the country.


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