The article highlights the prospects for the recovery of Ukrainian business in the post-war period from the point of view of a practical aspect. It has been found that the war has severely depleted Ukrainian business, so many of its representatives will need time to restore their solvency and return to the pre-war level of development. It was determined that in order to support Ukrainian business representatives in difficult wartime conditions, the government introduced a number of programs, among which are the Job grant programs, the business relocation program from dangerous territories, business lending under the "Affordable loans 5-7-9%" program. It was revealed that in order to restore Ukrainian business in the post-war period, the Small and Medium Business Support Fund was created, where contributions from individuals and legal entities under private law and/or public law in national and foreign currency in the form of a charitable donation are credited to the account of the Ministry of Economy opened at the National Bank of Ukraine , humanitarian aid, grants and gifts. It was determined that among the analyzed prospects for the post-war recovery of Ukrainian business, Ukraine's accession to the EU plays a significant role, as it will open the way to the free movement of goods, services, capital, and the elimination of technical barriers for Ukrainian products through the implementation of the EU acquis. It has been found that under martial law, an effective business strategy is critical to ensure long-term survival, continuity, renewal and development. It has been found that under martial law, an effective business strategy is critical to ensure long-term survival, continuity, renewal and development. The strategic decisions of the enterprise at this stage should primarily concern the preservation and rationalization of capital or cost reduction.
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