The article is devoted to the historical development and geographical features of tourist and recreational trips, as well as the resort business in the Middle Ages. The relevance of this topic is caused by the systematization of the causes and classification of types of travel in the Medieval World. The historical and geographical characteristics of the tourism sphere, recreation and resort business and restaurant and hotel economy of the past are quite interesting and important for a better understanding of people's tourist motives. This article finds that travel in the Middle Ages was partly spontaneous in both the Primitive Society and the Ancient World. However, most of the journeys of the Middle Ages were conscious and carried out on a systematic basis, which also has a common root with the Primordial Age and Ancient Times. A tour of the historical and geographical aspects of the development of the tourism industry, recreation, resort business and hotel and restaurant industry in Medieval Europe, Medieval Asia, Medieval Africa, Medieval North America, Medieval South America, Medieval Australia and Medieval Oceania was conducted. Travels in the continental section and within the national boundaries of the Middle Ages are fully systematized and classified. The following Medieval prerequisites for travel are characterized: expansion of economic processes, improvement of production technology, nomadism, research work, obtaining school and university education, cultural development, theatrical productions, foreign and domestic trade, conquest of new territories, pandemics, prevention and treatment, religious holidays, pilgrimage, knightly tournaments, Crusades, living in different estates, resettlement of peoples, piracy and other life events and desires. The quality of road construction for travelers, the degree of improvement of land and water transport, the peculiarities of the construction of hotels and restaurants, the level of restoration of resorts and the development of recreation are highlighted. The degree of development of tourist infrastructure in Medieval Europe, Medieval Asia, Medieval Africa, Medieval North America, Medieval South America, Medieval Australia and Medieval Oceania is described.
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