This article examines the peculiarities of the implementation of Industry 4.0 in Ukraine. Analyzed how 4.0 differs from its predecessors. It was found that such factors as the global pandemic, as well as changes taking place in the economic, military, political, social and environmental spheres affect the acceleration of digitization in Ukraine. It is considered how Industry 4.0 is designed to develop an industrial revolution, which is determined by the integration of IT technologies, the Internet and production. The main goal is the introduction and development of information and consulting technologies, automation and robotization of business processes. It is noted that this Industry encourages the emergence of new technologies. A SWOT analysis has also been developed, which allows you to see the strengths and weaknesses of the Industry, as well as threats and opportunities. Rapid globalization in the world, taking into account the latest approaches to the development of the economies of countries, the progress of science and technology dictates the governments of countries to form new development strategies, which should include the introduction of Industry 4.0. Changes in Ukraine, which are currently taking place in the social, economic, political, military, environmental spheres, the spread of the global pandemic caused by the infectious disease COVID-19, lead to the rapid implementation of digitalization of the economy, artificial intelligence, the concept of smart specialization at all levels, from everything state to a separate enterprise. Industry 4.0 is a leading automated technological trend, which is based on the implementation of it and business processes in the present time, and also takes into account changes in external and internal factors. At this stage lies the task of building a neuronet, that is, also a network in which people could communicate with each other with the help of a comprehensive system of the Internet, data, processes, as well as the use of artificial intelligence. It is worth noting that Ukraine has only set a course to establish itself as a highly industrialized country, but this transformation is influenced by many factors that weaken it to a certain extent.
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