Keywords: terrorism, marketing mix, terrorism marketing, components of terrorism, modern terrorism


The article studies the philosophy of terrorism and the use of its methodology in overcoming the threats that accompany terrorism. The theoretical foundations of the formation of the ideology of terrorism are highlighted. Five waves of terrorism have been pointed out, including anarchist, anti-colonial, left-wing, religious, and terrorist Semi-States. It has been established that the basis of terrorism is violence and an attempt to intimidate those who do not support it, appealing to a sense of injustice and oppression, resorting to manipulation and justification of their violence. Based on the research, it was revealed that in modern conditions it is impossible to consider terrorism as a one-sided phenomenon, only a comprehensive, divergent approach to understanding terrorism and its ambiguous consequences can provide a positive result. In general, terrorist activities can be considered as the activities of a certain company that has a purpose and place, clear indicators that determine its achievements, corporate policy and ethics. Such an organization is characterized by its own product, its price, place of sale and promotion,that is, therotism can be considered from the point of view of the concept of marketing. The terrorist service acts as a commodity, being inherently destructive for society and beneficial for terrorists and its customers. The price in terrorism can also be viewed from different angles. On the one hand, for the followers of terrorism, the price is lifelong loyalty, sacrifice of their own lives for professing the ideology of terrorism, on the other hand, for society – certain financial and material losses, human lives and changes in values, and on the third hand – the receipt of significant amounts from terrorist activities related to illegal actions. The place of implementation of terrorist activities is most often territories with a combination of several factors, namely, poverty, lack of democratic freedoms, weak state power and the desire to usurp power by a separate group of people. In the future, they are trying to spread their influence throughout the world. Promoting their influence on the world, terrorists use a variety of tools of the communication system and the Internet, and NLP techniques, and profimming, etc. Particular attention is paid to such subjects of terrorist activity, which can be designated as stakeholders. Both the militants themselves and the states that sponsor it, as well as the sellers of weapons, can act as stakeholders of terrorism. Unfortunately, the modern world is losing in the fight against terrorism, and the use of modern information technologies allows them to move from destructive activities to gaining control over the territories they have defined. Therefore, the development of society should be directed to the creation of counterweight systems and the search for alternatives that will make terrorist activities impossible.


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Mamchyn, M., & Yarychevska, Y. (2022). MARKETING VIEW AT TERRORISM. Economy and Society, (45).