The article reveals the peculiarities of the development of the tourism industry in the post-war period from a practical point of view. It was established that in the pre-war period the tourism industry was characterized by stability, flexibility and sustainability. It was determined that the key restrictions in which the tourism industry is today are the martial law in the country, the lack of official documents related to guarantees of the safety of potential tourists and compensation in the event of an emergency, the closure of Ukrainian airspace after the introduction of martial law. It is expected that the revival of organized and independent travel in the central, northern, and later southern regions of Ukraine will come quickly, the main thing is that the war stops. It was found out that one of the directions of the restoration of the tourism industry in the post-war period should be military-historical tourism, which is closely related to memorial tourism, since it remembers and honors all the victims and events that happened in one or another territory. Military historical memory and the development of tourism should be inextricably linked, which will contribute to a more detailed study of all events and attract as many tourists as possible. It was determined that location, political strategy, historical circumstances, transport links and economic feasibility would play an important role in the development of the tourism industry in the post-war period. It was revealed that the process of restoring tourism in Ukraine has already begun. It is time to actively promote Ukraine and its tourism potential, develop new initiatives and involve international partners in this process. It was determined that the main foundations of the post-war recovery of the tourism industry should be commemorative, military-patriotic and military-historical, medical and recreational, psychological, business, educational, sports and ecological tourism.
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