Keywords: logistic operator, innovation, express delivery, partner company, client


The article discloses the main aspects of the activities of domestic logistics operators based on Nova Poshta LLC. Special attention is focused on innovative tools in its activities. Several of its elements are singled out. The first is the automation of warehouses, which makes it possible to practically eliminate manual sorting with the help of computer technology and obtain a significant advantage at the expense of a larger workforce. At the same time, the characteristics of the five main innovative terminals of the studied logistics operator are presented. The second is unmanned parcels, namely the active commissioning of postal drones through a test system for the delivery of small cargo (with the prospect of increasing the weight of parcels). At the same time, the importance of borrowing the positive experience of using drones from Chinese companies and Amazon was emphasized. The third is postal machines, which allow the end consumer to receive the broadest range of goods with contactless home delivery. The advantages of post machines in the express delivery market are outlined, and the countries where this type of delivery has gained the widest distribution in recent years are presented. The expansion of the services of Nova Poshta LLC in the international express delivery market by attracting new customers is outlined. At the same time, emphasis is made in two directions. The first of them is the opening of one's branches to the international market, in particular, on the territory of Poland, the second is through the involvement of a foreign partner company. Positive results are presented in the first direction of activity in the international express delivery market with a detailed outline of the locations of branches and an indication of the price range of the cost of shipments. In the second direction, it is proposed to consider the expediency of cooperation with logistics operators who are leaders in the Polish market. A comprehensive assessment of the operators of the Polish express delivery market was conducted based on three components: consumer assessment; the company's position in the express delivery market; consumer satisfaction with the quality of express delivery services provided by the operator.


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How to Cite
Kobylyukh, O., & Hirna, O. (2022). LOGISTICS OPERATOR: INNOVATIVE WAY OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE UKRAINIAN AND INTERNATIONAL MARKET EXPRESS DELIVERIES. Economy and Society, (44). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-44-87