Тhe importance of the public sector increases with increasing rates of economic development and intensity of socio-economic changes, which highlights the problem of studying the nature, role and functions of the public sector in the hierarchy of theoretical and methodological approaches to economic development strategies. The aim of the article is to study the evolution of the content of the concept of "social sector of the economy" in theories of economic development, which will deepen the understanding of its essence, structure, functions and role in the economic life of society. To achieve the goal of the study, historical and logical methods were used, which revealed a logical sequence of forming views on the problem of the public sector of the economy. System analysis allowed us to explore the conceptual relationship between the constituent elements of the public sector of the economy. The article provides a theoretical and methodological substantiation of the directions of structural transformation of the public sector in the context of theories of economic development. The evolution of the concept of "public sector of the economy" is considered, the relationship with the main approaches within these theories is outlined on the basis of research of scientific schools and the provisions of their individual representatives. It is established that the functioning of the public sector is aimed at ensuring the optimal relationship between the pace of economic development and social development priorities. Changes in the specifics of determining the place of the public sector in solving socio-economic problems: from a significant increase in influence to the formation of trends to reduce its role in the context of increasing globalization challenges. It is substantiated that the change in the functions of the public sector in the economy is due to the transformation of the main determinants of economic development. The practical value of the study is to specify the scientific problem of the public sector of the economy, which will more fully involve the public sector of the economy in the context of economic and theoretical research.
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