Keywords: tourism, travel, travels, map, geography, history


The article is devoted to the historical development and geographical features of tourist and geographic travel and resort business in the Ancient World. The relevance of this topic lies in the systematization of reasons and classification of types of travel in the Ancient Age of mankind. The historical and geographical aspects of the tourism industry of the past are interesting and valuable for a better understanding of the motivations for travel and recreation. This article found out that travel in the Ancient World was partly spontaneous, as in the Primitive Society. However, the vast majority of journeys were conscious and carried out on a regular basis, which also dates back to the Primordial Era. Over time, ancient journeys were characterized by an increase in the number of travelers and the expansion of the geography of their travels. A classification of trips was carried out according to the criterion of motivation for traveling in the Tripoli culture, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Nubia, Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Persia, Ancient India, Ancient China, The Land of Punt, The Culture of Nok, Dmt, Aksum, Macrobia, The Sheba kingdom, Petra, Ancient Israel, Ancient Phoenicia, Ancient Carthage, Celtic Tribes, Cimmeria, Scythia, Sarmatia, Andean Civilizations, Bell Beaker Culture, Creto-Minoan Civilization, Ancient Greece, Ancient Macedonia, Etruscan Civilization and Ancient Rome. Travels in the Ancient World were carried out for the following reasons: resettlement of peoples, expansion of living space, conquest campaigns, colonization, nomadism, improvement of economic activity, scientific knowledge, acquisition of education, familiarization with sculptural and architectural monuments, internal and external trade, study of rituals and traditions, healing and healing, theatrical performances, religious enrichment and pilgrimage, sports competitions, cultural events, spectacles, entertainment cruises, seasonal vacations in various estates, treasure hunts. Travels encouraged the establishment and development of the hospitality and resort business. The practical value of the article lies in the improvement of the tourist business based on the lessons of antiquity.


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How to Cite
Semyanchuk, P. (2022). HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY OF TOURIST AND RECREATIONAL TRAVEL AND RESORTS IN THE ANCIENT WORLD. Economy and Society, (44). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-44-57